Headhunter Networking

Headhunter Networking
Have you added the right connections in the headhunter world?
Being known and having a relationship with the right headhunters could be some of the most important career contacts you possess. When you understand the headhunter’s model and paradigm you most certainly can increase your chances of getting a phone call that can change your life forever!
It is first necessary to understand the differences in how recruiters often work. There are those that are generalists, and those that are specialists, and everything in between. In addition the methods in which they operate are also very different. This can range from the recruiter who simply collects resumes from various sources and blasts them all over the industry, to the highly specialized recruiter who will only present you on the specific opportunity that you find appealing. One thing is consistent in that most headhunters begin their day focused on finding candidates for openings that they have been engaged to fill. They don’t find jobs for candidates, but rather find candidates for opportunities. All fees are paid by the client companies. Many times calling a headhunter to find a opportunity can be difficult. This is because unless your timing just happens to line up with that quality opportunity he/she can’t often pull a rabbit out of a hat. Opportunities often arrive at the most inopportune time!
So what are the ways to keep your name and background on the top of our list? Just having some knowledge of how headhunters think will help you in your networking. I have listed some important tips which will help you successfully network with the most skilled and well know headhunters.
Start by developing a relationship with just 2-3 of the best known firms or individuals. Relationships are developed over time and often don’t involve mutually beneficial results immediately. Most people have relationships with their chosen banker, lawyer, accountant, stock broker, etc but yet don’t even think about the one relationship that can affect you the most, your career! Start by researching your industry to find the well know recruiters. Ask your colleagues for leads and ask about their personal experiences with the recruiters they have dealt with. Perhaps look at the recruiters your own firm uses that specialize in your niche. Look for and analyze their website. Do they appear to be professional and well connected? Many candidates will look at a prospective company’s website as a first screening criterion. Don’t be concerned with the prospective location of the firm as most all specialty firms’ work nationwide, or in today’s times worldwide. Interview them and ask them how they conduct their business. Do they send resumes to their clients without first discussing a potential opportunity? Do they seem interested in your short and long terms goals, and do they ask good detailed questions designed to allow them to share only the best and most unique opportunities.
Look for reasons to email or call: If you only call when you are in need of a new position chances are you will either be ignored or disappointed. The reason for this is because most recruiters think if you are calling them you are calling everyone else as well! Time has value to everyone and no one wants to waste precious time on a wild goose chase. What do headhunters and bankers have in common? If you need them desperately, you probably won’t get anything. The best approach is to stay in touch for as many reasons as you can. Use the recruiter as a sounding board in your niche; keep them updated on any change to contact data or locations. Keep them notified of any new accomplishments or resume updates, promotions, salary updates, title changes, etc. We like to talk as often as we can with people and do take a sincere interest in helping people achieve their dreams. The best recruiters are already financial sound and therefore will look to help their client and candidate without the thought of the financial gain. Keep them appraised of any change to career directions or plans so they may call you if and when that ideal opportunity surfaces. The best recruiters also believe that a “no interest” is a perfectly acceptable answer and is not directed at them personally!
Provide help when asked: Most high quality recruiters understand the one hand washes another mentality. You can’t ignore someone who goes out of his/her way to help steer high quality people their way! Be positive at all times. Candidates who continually complain about their chosen company, or industry won’t be viewed positively by a skilled recruiter any more than a prospective employer. The more information you share with them the better informed they become about the industry and the market value you possess in your chosen field. The more knowledgeable they become will certainly bring tangible benefits to you both short and long term!
I hope this information is helpful as we have faced many inquiries in the last year of two about how to best utilize the services of recruiters.
I look forward to doing a yearly update soon on the state of the analog/ mixed signal world as well as my annual column in Jan/Feb. Stay tuned!